Treasure full of hemp…er, gems.
A magical package
within another
and still another
wrapped in surprises
and truths on every cover
unveiling more beautiful
than the previous other
thousands unfolded
in thousands of sizes
layer upon layer
of joy and revelation
welcome elations
until I discover
like the infinite number
next greater than zero,
nestled, at the deepest bottom
a tiny box
bejeweled with grace
and endless images of your face
inside, a cosmic flame
burning with life
the miracle of you
eternally unravels.
So you still write... with delight... I miss the inspiration.. he who unfolds it.
Nice swirls, love you and miss you so
you didn't ask about the title! ;-)
hmmmm what about the title???
try typing this sms: "you're a treasure full of gems" using the T9 system in your cell phone. :-)
To me, habibi Ross is more precious and more potent than both gems and hemp..
missing in Houston.
whoever and whatever it was that dangled down to you this basket full of gems must know you deserve it...
From the core, I wish this happiness is your immortal God of myth.
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